lørdag den 6. marts 2010

Day30 – 02-03-10 – “how are you?” – I’m bad

Finally I’ve obtained the Windows 7 image file from Microsoft; it only took like 3 days to get a proper version… We tried to burn it down a couple of times, but it seemed to fail every time resulting that it cleaned my computer without installing windows, which means I couldn’t use my computer for a couple of days. But finally we achieved to burn it down on DVD without failures, oh yea, the mac computer mad the worst DVD example of the DVD ever. It was burned “that well” it was stucked inside the mac computer for quite a time haha…

Well the last copy was good, and ready to be installed on my computer. We went down to buy some groceries, and on the way down there I asked if my friend had brought his keys, because I forgot to bring mine this day. “OH SHIT!”
The situation was: no one had the keys, I was the only one with a cell phone, and the number to the owner was inside the apartment. We tried to figure out how to get in, and we decided to get into our backyard in hope that one of the windows was opened… So we knocked on the old neighbor’s door, but she wouldn’t open the door and kept talking Portuguese. Luckily our neighbor from the upstairs was home to speak explain our situation and plan to her. She let me in, and I jumped over the fence to get to our backyard… and the shits were of course closed and locked from inside…

I knew my window was not locked, because the lock is broken, but it was on the front side of the apartment. We tried to get some ladders from the different store under our apartment, but all of them were too short. One of the owners knew our landlord and had her number, but when I tried we tried to call her, she did not answer her phone. The next time we called her my phone was out of credit.

We decided to go to the fire station in hope to borrow a ladder, which they wouldn’t… they said we had to go to the police station to report our problems… it was already getting dark outside, and going to the police station and reporting in English to someone who doesn’t get a damn of what you are saying is like telling something to a dog, and hope it can tell the same story to another person…

We decided to go back to the old ladies house to wait for her to come back. Oh yea, do you believe me if I’m saying it was pouring down all the time we were locked out? Well, I can’t remember what time it was, but eventually the old lady came outside to talk to my mate, I stood at the bus stop and waited more than half an hour for him to get out again… it appears that the old lady wanted him to pay last month’s bills before she would follow us home with the extra key to our apartment… and my friend told me that he had to calculate all the bills himself, since she wasn’t able to do that…? Well, finally they came out of her house, and it took ‘ages’ to get back home with the old lady…

We were that tired that we decided to go to the restaurant everyone in Aveiro is talking about, and of course it was closed that day… even people we met at the street said it was first time they have seen it closed… what an awful day to be honest, I can’t even look back at from any bright sight’s point of view… it really was the awful!

And when we came home, my mate ruined one of our two glasses… now we have 1 glass, two plates and some silverware….

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