søndag den 21. februar 2010

Day 14 Sunday:

Today they had a carnival procession on the streets next to us. It was quite amazing to experience, and all the people was dressed up and threw candy everywhere to the children. They dress up like the Danish children at the Shrovetide.
Thelma told us that the carnival will officially start at Tuesday, but people can dress up for the carnival as early as they want, that’s why I’ve seen so many children dressed up like ironman and superman.
We paid a visit to Thelma today, it appears that she “also” went into a glass door, but she got injured much more than me. Actually she cut her face around the nose and mouth pretty badly on the broken glass door, and now she must eat soups and milkshakes all the time… Luckily for her “Portuguese people like soup” (you can get soup everywhere in Portugal, even at McDonald), but she said she was getting pretty tired of it already. Well, it’s probably because she is not a real Portuguese. She is from Arizonans which is a Portuguese island two hours from the main land.
It sounds like people don’t pay taxes here, and that’s also why Thelma must pay 8Euroes every time she goes to the hospital. She has already been there twice since the accident, and must go to the doctor at Tuesday… it’s a lot of money for a student, and you will first be able to collect the insurance money at the end of the year…
After company with Thelma we went out to crap a pizza. All the places were celebrating Valentine’s Day, and I think it was pretty embarrassing to eat at Pizza hut with all the couples around you, making you and your friend look like a gay couple… we should have asked some girls out, obviously Thelma could not come since she can’t eat, and it would be too weird to call some of the girls you had met once or twice just before dinner… so we ate, and went out as fast as possible…

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