søndag den 21. februar 2010


In the morning we went to the university to see the professor. It was quite easy to find even though we had no idea where we lived. Thelma could not find the street name for our apartment. We asked about, and luckily we found one that could guide us.
The university was quite big and the professor introduced us to the project in which we will be working on the next two months. He also talked about a little about Portuguese traditions and other stuff…
We had rabbit for lunch, which was “cheap” according to the professor… It almost cost 5Euroes! Seems like everything in Aveiro cost 1Euro or 5Euro… It appears that the Portuguese people like to eat rabbit and squids… I’m not a fan of both..
After the meeting with the Professor we met with Thelma, and she guided us around the city. We went to a mall to get some of the stuff we needed back in the apartment. The apartment did not have any dished or casseroles. We had to buy everything; it was like starting a new life in another country.
Luckily again Thelma could help us by providing some casseroles and ingredients. What should we do without her? Without her I think we wouldn’t have made it… Thanks Thelma!
It appears that the Portuguese people are a very social and warm people. Even though they don’t know you they kiss and hug like they have known you for years. Even at the training center, Ahmad was looking for one; people seem to be very friendly. The only one I’ve met which gave me a negative attitude was the old cripple lady who apparently was not cripple at all. We saw her this morning without her stick from one of her expensive cars. I’m not sure if she is false or what, but I just can’t stand the look of her, and when we were paying for the rest of the rent, she charged us for the gas bottles which were empty when we came to the apartment. Of course I can understand we have to pay for our usage, but isn’t it a standard that everything should be working from the beginning? Maybe this is what people call a “cultural shock”…

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